99 Problems was Ice-T’s First One

Ice-T recently spoke out about Jay-Z “appropriating” his concept for “99 Problems” in an interview on radio.com. Apparently, Brother Marquis of the 2 Live Crew made the comment, “Man, I got 99 problems, but a bitch ain’t one,” after a conversation he and Ice were having about the Tag Team hit, “Whoomp! There it is!” and the girls in Miami. Chris Rock was a fan of Ice’s 1993 track off of the “Home Invasion” album and told Rick Rubin that Jay-Z should remake it. Ice still doesn’t understand why Jay never gave him any props for being the originator, but that’s hip hop life…we guess.

Below are the two versions of “99 Problems.” The Ice-T version and the Jay-Z version that’s been ringing in your ears since 2004.

Ice T’s version via YouTube- http://youtu.be/bicN4ryVQSI

Of course, the one everyone knows by Jay Z via YouTube- http://youtu.be/WwoM5fLITfk