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A trade show for entrepreneurial artisans

American Craft Retail Expo provides an amazing opportunity for artists of various mediums to showcase their creations for all types of buyers. The trade show, which takes place in Orlando and Las Vegas each year, is a wholesale marketplace...

Scintillating interview with Black Silver. Review by C73

As a freelance journalist, I’ve been fortunate to develop solid relationships with seriously talented artists. Black Silver is without a doubt one of those artists that I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing. Check it out and spread this info: C73:...

Hip apparel, that’s what’s up: Cypher 73 Apparel

Check out the full line of Cypher 73 apparel at PhracturedLine.com. Conceived and brought forth by Hip Hop writer, designer, Cypher 777. There's fresh fashion that you'll want to rock.  

When rap leads you astray, come back to Hip Hop

Rap music has moved a universe away from the philosophy that Hip Hop was built upon. No amount of perceived street cred will make some of the drivel that's been co-opted by the masses authentic Hip Hop. When...

My friends, I present a bit of Hip Hop authenticity- Poor Righteous Teachers’ “Word...

Don't get rap and Hip Hop confused. Here's a bit of the latter. You'll notice it's meant to uplift. Here's just one of PRT's documents of true Hip Hop as found on YouTube:

Healthy Info for your Mind and Body!!! Article by C73

I Love Your T-Shirt is a site/blog that supports Artists who are on that DIY (Do It Yourself) grind by reviewing their apparel design(s) and driving traffic to those looking to throw their hat into the fashion industry arena....

Christmas Rules Everything Around Me

Since Run DMC's "Christmas In Hollis," a holiday rap song has been a rare find. However, this year, Murs steps in and drops a track with some genuine holiday spirit- something quite rare in rap today.

Dig Deeper- all hail unsung rap master Jimmy Spicer

Message from Insomniac Magazine on Hip Hop : Give it up to the amazing Hip Hop storyteller Jimmy Spicer- #dollarbillyall #money #adventuresofsuperrhyme #boombap #hiphopheads #hiphopmusic #hiphop #jimmyspicer #defjam #bubblebunch #vinyl #recordcollector #hiphophistory A post shared by Insomniac Magazine (@insommagsince96) on...