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Michael Jackson’s Lesson to Artists

Almost immediately after Michael Jackson’s death his image was positioned on the top of iTunes. His titles then began to repopulate the top spots on the Billboard charts. To most, this wasn’t much of a surprise- after all, he’s...

Must have Music Business Book

Daylle Deanna Schwartz is the author of ten books. Her music titles are among the most respected and recommended for the independent music artist who is working on building a career. Her classic book, “Start and Run Your Own...

Hip Hop Music Industry: Bowling with the Stars at Harlem Lanes

Whoo Kid and Alesha Renee at Harlem Lanes WORDS BY KHALID STRICKLAND a.k.a. BLACK PACINO PHOTOS BY E-PILLS It looks fun, but since I don't rock funky shoes worn by other people (unless they're Prada), I don't bowl. Some folks enjoy...


IN MY TRAVELS... (NEW YORK PREMIERE OF THE SKY CRAWLERS, LINCOLN CENTER) By Khalid Strickland a.k.a. Dirty Angel All stills from The Sky Crawlers are (c) Stage 6 Films / Production I.G. THE SAGA CONTINUES... While getting hammered and pushin’ up on...

Don’t Give Way to Evil- Social Commentary and Documentation through Photos

“Do Not Give Way to Evil” by photographer Lisa Kahane provides an interesting view into a period of Bronx history. She does this through the pictorial documentation of the New York borough during the late 1970s to the 1980s....

Radiohead and the Digital Single Package Further Usher in The New Music Economy

Here’s another event noting the end of mass media, as we know it. Radiohead recently made individual tracks from their song “Nude” available for download on iTunes. These tracks consist of various components of the song: vocals, bass, guitars,...

Public Enemy’s Latest “How You Sell Soul to a Soulless People Who Sold Their...

This is no hype, so you can believe this. With very few exceptions, rap aka Hip Hop records (today they are the same thing) haven't delivered substance in years. PE's new album, "How You Sell Soul to a Soulless...

Saul Williams and Reznor Results: Music Consumers Prefer Free

We first told you about the Trent Reznor and Saul Williams collaboration a few months ago. According Reznor in his blog, he states that the collaboration with Williams entitled “Niggy Tardust,” which was released in November, only resulted in...

Marketing Pros Discuss Strategies at the Conference on Marketing 2008

by Tamra Martin Do you want to take your marketing strategies to a higher level? If so, The Conference on Marketing 2008 given by the Institute for International Research (IIR) may be the seminar for you. Professionals in the industry...

Soul Meets The Music Industry

The 2008 I Got Soul Conference is set for June 13th thru the 15th in Dallas, TX. This year’s event is branded as the conference “Where Soul Meets the Biz.” IGSC is an event that features panels and...