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Marketing Gurus Seth Godin and Malcom Gladwell- The Conference on Marketing

Here is an awesome event for anyone interested in marketing. IIR’s “THE CONFERENCE ON MARKETING: Seeking Certainty in Experimental Times,” Feb. 4-6, 2008 at Naples Grande Resort & Club. Seth Godind, marketing guru and author of The Dip, Purple...

The Best Christmas Gifts for the Hip Hop Fan in Your Life

Insomniac asked some of their favorite Hip Hop experts to give suggestions for great gifts for the Hip Hop fan on their Christmas list. Before we get to their responses here are a few from Insomniac's Editor: First things...

J.A.M. Awards and Concert (Dirty Angel’s Play-By-Play)

THE 1ST ANNUAL J.A.M. AWARDS & CONCERT WAS ONE FOR THE AGES Words by Khalid Strickland a.k.a. Dirty Angel   Photos and video clips by Sachiko Kato      The J.A.M. Awards and Concert, an event which honored the late Jam Master Jay of Run DMC,...

Bindi The Crocodile Girl Hip Hops (And, You Can Too)

Wow! I saw Bindi Irwin (the late Steve Irwin’s daughter) on the Today Show. She was performing- singing, rapping, and dancing. What could have been a cute, even touching moment (everyone loves the Crocodile Hunter), was an embarrassing situation....

Marketing and Branding Tools and Service

Kolbrener is marketing and branding consultancy that specializes in the technology field. They focus on brief but memorable communications to help establish branding and awareness for their clients’ services and products. Even if you are not interested in their...

American Gangster hits Theaters Nov. 2nd

Coming to theaters on November 2nd is American Gangster, a feature film based on the life of 70's drug kingpin Frank Lucas. In this Ridley Scott directed film, Denzel Washington plays Lucas, Russell Crowe portrays Richie Roberts- the cop...

Let the Post RadioHead Games Commence: Trent Reznor and Saul Williams Bring It

Here we go! Major artists begin to employ indie tactics to get their music out to the masses. As predicted in my previous article, well-known artists will begin to release their albums using similar business models to that of...

Hip Hop Movement: Not Moving, or Moving Backwards

Why is Hip Hop today so formulaic? There was a time when “rap” artists were so unique, not only in their styles and delivery, but in their overall vibe. Just think about some favorites from the golden era of...

Killer Robots Bring Out of the Box Fun to the Music Industry

Finally, here is a clip of Killer Robots playing at this year's Insomniac Event at the Florida Music Festival.