Chuck D innovates again: The Bring the Noise app

Rhyme revolutionary Chuck D once again innovates in the media, culture and technology spaces with the Bring The Noise app. Beyond his countless contributions in music and art, he’s been a trailblazer in many ways, including being on the right side of history years before the adoption of digital music when he took a stand to make file based music available. Then, in the late ’90s he launched the groundbreaking online radio station, again, years before the ubiquity of format. Decades later, Chuck continues his trek to connect tech and culture with his latest venture. The new mobile app is a positive approach to social media for an often overlooked demo. Don’t miss the convergence of music, culture and art on Android and Apple.

The launch is invite only for the moment, but keep an eye out here. Also, check out the interview on the new launch below. -IZ