Hannibal Stax & Pf Cuttin Deliver WORLD PREMIERE: “Elephante”(Video)/”Omega Supreme”(EP)ft. Sadat X, Rasheed Chappell

Hannibal Stax & Pf Cuttin uplift the underground with an expertly crafted opus called “Omega Supreme!” The sonic conquerors pull out all stops on their power-packed project & kick things off by unleashing “Elephante!” Charging straight out the gate with a dominant arrangement, the Gangstarr Foundation mic phenom takes suckers to task. He runs rampant across rhythms laced by the legendary mix maverick and tramples everything in his path! Next up is the Sadat X featured “Head Crack” which filters through the speakers with one of the most soul-fueled soundscapes in existence. Hannibal puts ya up on the scoop that his rhymes contain many flavors while Sadat leaves listeners awestruck with every line!

“Riddling” finds Pf conjuring a coveted form of sonic sorcery on the 1 & 2’s! He finesses a celebrated Chuck D rhyme and transforms the venerable Hip Hop statesman’s powerful phrase into a block party you’ll never forget! Hannibal bodies the cut with a self-assured delivery before joining the incredible Rasheed Chappell on the laid back title track. All of this leads to the spell-binding sounds of “Black Boy Magic” and the epic conclusion of a Hip Hop masterpiece!

-Kevin Keith