Hip Hop and Urban Music Pioneer Passes: Good Bye to Mr. Bobby E. Davis

It was brought to our attention the Mr. Bobby E. Davis, founder of the legendary S.U.R.E. Record Pool in the Bronx has passed away. Bobby was one of the nicest people in the music business. Since the ’70s, he’s supplied records to some of the most influential DJs in urban and dance music. His company was a staple for breaking records for decades in New York City. Bobby has also mixed many dance and club records since the early ’80s to 2000’s. I first met Bobby as a teenager in the Bronx. He was a great role model and mentor. He provided inspiration for inner city youths, aspiring musicians, artists, and DJs. Bobby was a positive force. He had an uplifting spirit and great personality. It is with sadness that I say goodbye, however, I am so happy to have known this wonderful man. Thank you Bobby. You will not be forgotten. -Israel Vasquetelle

Bobby E. Davis founder of S.U.R.E. Records
Bobby E. Davis founder of S.U.R.E. Record Pool

Related post: Watch an interview with Mr. Bobby Davis discussing the importance of S.U.R.E. Records.


  1. A great loss indeed! I too met Bobby when I was about 14 years old and he was always very nice and supportive of my endeavors. I actually got my first “protools” software package from Bobby. I remember him saying to me, “we got this program as a promo from this company but we already have everything we need here, so I immediately said to myself, CHARLES!, he’s a mac guy I know he could use this.” That week my eyes were opened to a whole new world. Also when I started filming Street Agent he was the first to say “greet Idea, make sure you get me enough for all S.U.R.E. members and a few extra for the execs.” That’s Bobby, thanks Bobby! I will miss him very much but feel privileged to have known such a good hearted and important individual and to be a part of the S.U.R.E. Record Pool Member roster for almost 25 years. My heart goes out to his family, friends and the entire composition of S.U.R.E. members.

    Charles “The One Prophloe” Perez

    • Thanks Charles. A friend that happens to be another kid who knew Bobby from growing up in the neighborhood just said, “he’s one of the good guys.” Good guy indeed!

  2. REST IN PEACE – Mr. Bobby E. Davis, the Founder and backbone of Spinners Unlimited Recording Enterprises (S.U.R.E.)

  3. ..yes, I was a card carrying member of S.U.R.E. RECORD POOL.

    Bobby gave MANY of us “unknown” DJs a chance. I have waaaay too many GREAT memories of Bobby, Hanging out at the Pool on Fridays (waking up Saturday on the floor, laying on my pillow of records), Mass DJ Meetings at that “spot” on the other side of the Bronx (laughing), at The Shelter, the recording studio, the history Bobby dropped to all us new jacks…..I can go on for weeks.
    Let me say again:
    REST IN PEACE – Mr. Bobby E. Davis, the Founder and backbone of Spinners Unlimited Recording Enterprises (S.U.R.E.)

  4. Israel, I would like to thank you for doing this write up on Bobby Davis. I am Eddie Rodriguez, Bobby Davis’s Assistant Director to SURE Record Pool since 1990 until today. I would like to let everyone know that SURE Record Pool will still continue and operate for many years to come. I will make sure that Bobby E. Davis’s legacy will not pass with him to his grave. I have been with Bobby Davis for 30 years, not only as one of his musical sons, but he was also my father I never had. If anyone needs any information on Bobby E. Davis, you can contact me at 646-387-5031. I didn’t have a chance to speak to Bobby before he passed. I was out of town on business and I came to find out on Wed. of his passing. Here is the funeral information if anyone is interested in seeing Bobby E Davis.

    (718) 931-1500
    DATE: SATURDAY, DEC. 18TH, 2010

    Bobby Davis was a great inspiration to many in the music business. The countless DJ’s and Record Executives that came out of SURE are too many to mention, but one thing I always loved about Bobby Davis, he always treated everyone fairly. DJ number 1 was just as important as DJ 150. Something that many Record Pools failed to do for many years. There were no politics played when it came to Mr. Bobby E. Davis’s DJ’s. I thank everyone that has spoken very highly of Bobby E. Davis. May we all keep his legacy alive forever.

    Musically Yours,
    Eddie Rodriguez
    Assistant Director Of SURE Record Pool

    • Thank you Eddie. I can’t begin to imagine how many records he helped break throughout the years in America’s #1 market. Beyond that, Bobby E. Davis was a special man who has obviously touched many with his positivity.

  5. Bobby was a class act. R.I.P. to a man with integrity…one of a kind, especially in this music/entertainment industry. I remembered being introduced to him by Izreal in the 90’s. Bobby was a nice guy. My condolences to his family.

  6. I am so sad to hear that Bobby has passed I was a SURE record pool D.J. member when AL Pizarro was Pres. and Bobby was vice Pres. and I was spinning at Innovations. Yes he will ne missed and was a hell of a nice guy even way back then. R.I.P. Bobby

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