Krept & Konan make impactful statement with short film “Ban Drill”

Ban Drill

UK group Krept & Konan released a potent short film and music video that makes an impactful statement against censorship. “Ban Drill” skillfully tells the story of a fictitious rapper whose music helped him escape the perils of street life and subsequently becomes banned by government officials and excised from YouTube. The rapper then defaults to his previous livelihood to make ends meet, which results in an all too familiar end. The brilliantly shot cinematic piece mirrors current events in the UK which finds rap artists being targeted by officials in a similar fashion. Interestingly, the duo brought this cause to Parliament itself recently to make a case for the dangers of censorship and the importance of addressing the societal circumstances that lead inner-city youth down a common and tragic path. The film and the group’s actions are a reminder of how musicians can use both their art and stature to become powerful voices for advocacy for injustice. -IZ-REAL

The duo also have a petition to ‘Stop Silencing Musicians’