Hip Hop Alert: Mike Mass and J.T. Brown shine brightly on “Blood In the Water” video

Mike Mass and J.T. Brown go deep on their powerful collaboration “Blood in the Water.” Tackling structural racism, economic oppression, police brutality, and political ineptitude within the course of one track, the pair’s song successfully delivers heavy material with impact and eloquence. Director Jordan Hicks’s masterfully executed music video features the pair cruising a Tampa highway in an ocean blue Pontiac GT. Featuring beautiful drone footage by Fore Peak Films cut seamlessly with other cinematic shots makes for an impressive visual feast. Mike’s potent lyrical content and Brown’s soul-filled and bluesy hook along with the track’s live rock instrumentation by Denny Acosta (drums) of Polyenso, along with Brown’s guitar work make for a refreshing piece in an environment all too flooded with lackluster cliché rap lacking substance. Kudos to these creators for serving up this visual and sonic work of art. -IZ-REAL