Review: Ace Poetik – “Tears of a Melody”(Single)

Louisville, Kentucky’s lyrical king serves up a somber sizzler about a traumatic event that nearly claimed his life! Ace Poetik ascends to a higher plane of Hip Hop storytelling on his Lavish laced confessional “Tears of a Melody.” The cut revolves around a car accident that forced the spitter to slow down & reassess his purpose on this mortal coil of existence. Ace taps into the raging mic beast dwelling from within and reemerges with a newfound passion for the art he manifests.

As the song filters through the speakers, the music empowers him to grow stronger. We can sense he’s becoming better by the day. What makes this track truly unique isn’t just the raw vulnerability Ace has to offer. It’s the motivation we felt every time we hit PLAY.
