Review: Benjamin Elia$ – “On The Way”(Album)

Tel-Aviv based lyricist Benjamin Elia$ takes listeners on a transcendent voyage of self-discovery with the release of his brand new album “On The Way.” The Israeli/American hip hop artist dips into a vast array of colorful styles from his musical palette and surprises listeners at every turn. Powerful narratives are weaved throughout each song in support of the project’s over-arching theme “you never end up where you think you’re going.” The genres of pop, hip hop, and R & B are blurred to deliver an LP that is difficult to define yet refreshing for its creative audaciousness.

“OTW” establishes the tone with trippy production that sounds like a daydream set to wax. Benjamin gets sidetracked by a series of excursions that trigger his girlfriend’s frustration before pondering life without her on “Lo Siento.” Anna Moore brings seductive vocals to an uptempo club banger called “The Message” that finds our roving rhyme warrior fantasizing about a better life until he’s interrupted by a different kind of fantasy(from the female perspective)on the skit “BRB.”

Jenny Penkin takes the lead on “Flowers” with a stirring performance that supplies a melodic stronghold for Benjamin’s riveting rhyme spree. The rapper then finds a “Remedy” for his romantic misfortunes with a funky joint showcasing a slick cameo on the mic by bar slinger TonyG. “Mac” serves up a downbeat vibe that mirrors the confusion & instability of a long-term relationship while “Am$terdam” plants its introspective roots in deep reflection. “The End” is a callback to the album’s “OTW” opener wherein Benjamin promises(yet again)to meet up with his significant other in a timely manner. The difference is a sense of urgency(expertly channeled through Maya’s searing vocals)that wasn’t present in the former track. As the song continues we literally feel the relationship slipping away before his girlfriend announces the inevitable. Hope may spring eternal but its been replaced by a barren wasteland. “LOL” concludes our journey with the dawning of a new day. Benjamin has left the relationship drama behind & realized his potential as a world class entertainer. The track is upbeat, hopeful, and the perfect closer for this outstanding opus. Share in the adventure & come take a ride!

-Kevin Keith