The Eaze Up Show Presents A Tribute To Dave(Trugoy The Dove)Part One

“Mannnnn it really hurts to write something about Dave AKA Trugoy The Dove AKA Plug 2 AKA The Chattanooga Champ!

A Mad super talented poet and artist that I was not only fortune enough to meet twice but also be De La’s opening DJ when they toured Wellington back in ‘2006 so in all honesty Dave felt like extended Family.

I was first introduced to the legend via an imported cassette way back in late ’88 and he always had a very welcome presence in my ? “… so I’ll let this mix do the talking now.

Part II soon…”

– DJ Jazzywhut!!

Tune in:

STFU585 Radio (Rochester, NY) Saturday night: 11 PM-2 AM EST

FleetBoomRadio (Jersey, NY) Sunday night: 10-12 PM EST

4DADJ’s Podcast (with Ziz) Weds Night 7-10 PM EST