Home Film The pieces to B.C.’s puzzle are almost assembled. (By CyPhEr777)

The pieces to B.C.’s puzzle are almost assembled. (By CyPhEr777)


B.C. – “TIME PIECES 2.5” (Songs from the scrap heap) Peripheral Records

It bothers me that I have to re-explain and introduce this dope artist to the masses when I’ve done two prior reviews on his amazing material. Unfortunately, that’s the state Hip Hop is in right now. It’s in a state of flux, but with artists like B.C. and others, there will always be hope. Anyway, B.C. is an artist based out of the Tampa area who’s without a doubt a Hip Hop veteran. Don’t get it twisted as my prior statement does not mean he’s an old man, just a professional and an important piece in this ever expansive genre.

“Time Pieces 2.5” is not just an EP that serves as a bridge to the possible final effort to the “Time Pieces” trilogy, this release is basically a tantalizing glimpse of the upcoming full-length album set to drop real soon. Another thing about 2.5 is that although there are only 5 tracks, it’s not the crappy leftovers just thrown together to satisfy the artist by staying relevant. It’s supreme material that ties into the whole story of a decaying art-form that desperately needs life pumped into it. This issue is the main subject of this and the prior releases but, other issues also permeate the projects as well.

B.C. offers you more of the same stellar lyrical assault as on his previous releases. It’s more than just clever wordplay, it’s making all those puzzle pieces fit and making them coherent and understandable for the listener. For instance when you go to the Bandcamp page, you’re introduced to these words:
“The distance between The Surface and The Sky is ever increasing, simultaneously, then and now. The scrapheap awaits us as we struggle to balance the burdens of our everyday lives- our sustenance, shelter, spouses, sons, and daughters. I’ve seen the path and its end. Save for the decay, only the music seems a constant- our escape, our protests, our battle cry, and solace. Listen up!”
The voice and cadence throughout this EP are extremely pleasing to the ear and very inviting even though he’s attacking ideals with unrelenting
effort. I won’t go into detail as one would need to get this, as well as the first two previous releases. I actually implore those reading this to get the first two Time Pieces (along with TP 2.5) in order to make sense of it all.

When I downloaded this EP, I saw no liner notes so I assume that Mudd Buddha supplied most of the production; regardless, it’s stellar. I hate to repeat myself but the music fits perfectly to what B.C.’s trying to convey-  synonymous, symbiotic and all one in the same. It’s worth more than just a listen, it’s worth a purchase. Please do not put a $0 in the “name your price” area; give him something. Also, pick up the prior and next release as this effort deserves support and respect.

Here’s the track listing:

1- Paperscape
2- The Signal
3- Mecha Caffeine
4- Bounce
5- The Last
Check out and support B.C. by visiting http://bcofredtide.bandcamp.com/album/time-pieces-25-songs-from-the-scrap-heap. Bless C73Eternal

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