Home News Female Mcs Fight Back

Female Mcs Fight Back


There must be something in the water because a trio of female emcees are jumping back into the spotlight…and they’re coming out fighting! What are they fighting about? Well, lets start with Lil’ Kim. She has some serious issues with Nicki Minaj’s dominance of the scene, so she’s going at her AGAIN with “Identity Theft.” Then there’s Azealia Banks, who’s probably pissed off that another “AZALEA” is riding the top of the charts. She hits us with “Heavy Metal And Reflective.” And finally, we have LIV. ‘Not really sure where she came from, but something tells us that she’ll be fading back into obscurity in no time. Anyway, the previously unknown rapper drops “Sorry Mrs. Carter,” which details her flirtatious (non)relationship with Jay-Z. Whew!

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