Home News New Viral Marketing: Blogosphere’s Pay Per Post

New Viral Marketing: Blogosphere’s Pay Per Post



Pay Per Post helps extend the Long Tail of Internet advertising. Garnering the power of the masses of blogs within the Blogosphere, Pay Per Post offers those seeking to build awareness for their services or products the ability to pay a set fee for each post that is published that covers their message. Why is this different from Google’s Adwords model? Because Google offers text links that garner ad charges upon click-through. In many cases this is good because the advertiser only pays when someone clicks through. However, PayPerPost’s model is different. Instead they simplify the process by allowing advertisers to determine a set amount that they want to pay per post. This is not based on performance, but on coverage. Granted, many of the “opportunities” offered by advertisers are for just a few dollars. However, the true value for advertisers is that unlike traditional ads, which are situated in spaces set aside for advertising, this model gives advertisers the ability to be seen within a site’s content. Also, in traditional advertising the ad runs for a certain length of time. With this model, the message can live forever because it’s embedded within the content, which is normally archived on most weblogs.

PPP offers an interesting approach that further extends the Long Tail of advertising on the Internet.


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