Home News RZA and Boombotix help reinvent the boombox

RZA and Boombotix help reinvent the boombox


RZA aka Wu-Tang mastermind continues to innovate, however, this time he’s breaching ground that could possibly provide a solution to the disconnect between sonic and tactile experiences. His latest venture started with the Boombotix Wu-Tang Rex, which was released last year. This was a Wu branded mobile Bluetooth speaker that also housed select tracks from their latest album (no, not “Once Upon A Time In Shaolin,” you need ultra deep pockets to buy that one copy only release) “A Better Tomorrow.” According to a Slash Gear story, an Ol’ Dirty Bastard version is coming soon. As well, the Boombotix site is currently offering a Grateful Dead limited edition Rex as well.

Here’s a review of the initial release-

Boombotix also offers versions with available memory to store your own selections. It will be interesting to see this adopted by more iconic artists as a way to offer physical music. There are likely many music fans who’d love to own a functional piece of electronics gear that directly connects to their favorite artist’s brand.

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